Fact Finder

These statistics relate to student accommodation in Chester and the surrounding area that has been advertised on Studentpad

Statistics Overview

Total Properties:


Total Active Adverts:


Total Rooms:


Rooms Available:


Note: Statistics below are based on total adverts and are taken once daily. [Last Update: 26/07/2024 @ 23:28:43].

Area Statistics
Last Update: 26/07/2024 @ 23:28:43

Per Person Per WeekPer Person Per Month
Brook Lane Area£115.00£115.00£115.00£498.33£498.33£498.331
Garden Lane Area£85.38£110.19£135.00£370.00£477.50£585.002
Liverpool Road Area£121.15£121.15£121.15£525.00£525.00£525.001
Parkgate Road Area£115.00£119.91£122.31£498.33£519.58£530.002
Average Price Including Utilities*
Last Update: 26/07/2024 @ 23:28:43
AreaPer Person Per WeekPer Person Per MonthAdverts
Brook Lane Area£115.00£498.331
Garden Lane Area£135.00£585.001
Liverpool Road Area£121.15£525.001
Parkgate Road Area£119.91£519.582
Average Price Excluding Utilities*
Last Update: 26/07/2024 @ 23:28:43
AreaPer Person Per WeekPer Person Per MonthAdverts
Garden Lane Area£85.38£370.001

* Included utilities are gas, electricity and water only.